
جمعية الهلأل الأحمر السوداني .. عطاء توريد عدد 660 اناث ماعز (ماعز نوبي)

جمعية الهلأل الأحمر السوداني

عطاء توريد عدد 660 اناث ماعز

(ماعز نوبي)

تعلن جمعية الهلأل الأحمر السوداني مع الصليب الأحمر الأسباني عن عطاء توريد عدد 330 اناث ماعز نوبي الي فرع الهلأل الأحمر السوداني –محلية القولد, الولأية الشمالية و توريد عدد 300  اناث ماعز نوبي الي فرع الهلأل الأحمر السوداني –محلية شندي ولأية نهر النيل

علي الراغبين من المردين والشركات والجهات الأخري است\لم تفاصيل وكراسة العطاء من ادارة الأما دد-جمعية الهلأل الأحمر السوداني, شارع المك نمر مع شارع الجمهورية أو زيارة الرايط في الأسفل

شروط التقديم للعطاء:

  • تقديم السيرة الذاتية للشركة والانشطة والاعمال المشابهة التى قامت بتنفيذها سابقا..
  • شهادة التاسيس وشهادة التسجيل .
  • إرفاق شهادة رقم تعريفى ضريبى .
  • تحديد ووضع مدة زمنية للانتهاء من عملية التوريد.
  • على كل مشارك فى العطاء يطلب دفعية مقدما عليه وضع مبلغ تلك الدفعية بواسطة شيك ضمان أو بشيك مصرفي معتمد.
  • أخر موعد لتقديم العروض يوم الاحد الموافق22-5-2022م في تمام الساعه الثالثة ظهرا.

7-أن يكون العطاء مغلفا في ظروف مختوم ومعنون – لجمعية الهلال الاحمر السوداني – تقاطع شارع المك نمر مع الجمهورية – الخرطوم. او بزيارة الرابط ادناه

8-  لدى جمعية الهلال الاحمر السوداني الحق في قبول او رفض اي عطاء مقدم و الجمعية غير ملزمة بقبول اقل او اى عطاء اخر.

1 Instruction to tenderers – Animal delivery animal breeding BOQ A Annex A – Technical Offer Copy of Annex B – Financial Offer

Instruction to Tenderers
“Delivery of goats to selected communities of Northern State and/or River Nile State”

Table of Contents
I. Guidelines for Applicants 2
1. Context 2
2. Calendar of the application procedure 2
3. Tender proposals 3
A. Technical proposal 3
B. Financial Proposal [a template is available for tenderers] 5
4. Evaluation 6
A. Bid compliance 6
B. Technical & Financial criteria 6
5. Retrieval of tender documents 8
6. Delivery / submissions of proposals 8
A. Submission formalities: 8
B. Other details 9
7. Notification of award 9
II. Technical Specifications 10
1. Background 10
2. Objective 10
3. Quantities, specifications, & Delivery: 10
A. Quantities 10
B. Goat Specifications: 10
C. Delivery Specifications: 11
III. Annexes 14
Annex 1 : Causes of Exclusion 14
Annex 2: Declaration of Responsibility 15

I. Guidelines for Applicants

1. Context
The Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) in collaboration with Spanish Red Cross (SpRC) are interested in obtaining offers from specialized companies and contractors for the delivery of goats to selected communities of Northern State and/or River Nile State.
The participation to the tender is restricted to applicants complying with the present guidelines.
Applicants can either propose their services for the delivery of animals to 2 different locations or select only one location. Number of animals to deliver depends on the delivery options
2. Calendar of the application procedure
The following dates are tentative. Important changes will be communicated.
Date Hour (UTC+2; Sudan time)
Deadline for request for clarifications 8 May 2022 13H00
Deadline for answering clarification requests 9 May 2022 15H30
Deadline for Receiving proposals sent by applicants 10 of May 2022 14h00
Interviews, Request of clarification to tenderers (if necessary) 11-12 of May 2022 /
Deadline for asserting eligibility of candidates & evaluation of technical offers 16 of May 2022 15H30
Notification of award 17 of May 2022 12H00
Contract signature From 17 of May 2022

3. Tender proposals

Applicants should submit two separated envelopes titled as follows:
– Technical Offer.
o Administrative supporting documents (A)
o Technical proposal narrative (B)
– Financial Offer (C)
Annexes to this document provide bidders with the necessary modifiable templates. Below, we find a description of the contents needed under each section.
A. Technical proposal

1- Administrative supporting documents
To be eligible for the procurement process, every applicant should provide the administrative supporting documents and declare not to be under the exclusion circumstances detailed in Annex 1.
An applicant that does not meet these expectations will be disregarded from the evaluation process and will hereby not be awarded the contract.
Administrative supporting documents to provide are the following:
 Cover letter
– This letter should identify the applicant and express the interest to provide the services.
– The letter should be dated and signed by the tender applicant (in English).
 Administrative requirements:
SRCS provides bidders with a document detailing the list of administrative documents to attach to the proposals. This list need to be followed by every applicant to be eligible.
Additionally, a declaration of Responsibility [Annex 1 of this document] needs to be handed, signed and dated by the responsible person representing the bidder.
 At least 1 relevant experience:
Candidates need to prove that they have at least one (1) relevant experience similar or equal to the procurement and delivery of animals.
2- Technical proposal narrative

As a suggestion, please find a description of technical proposal narrative structure:

Technical proposal narrative

Previous experiences In this section, applicants should explain how their previous experiences make them the most suitable candidate to deliver the requested products/services.
Concept note Applicants should write a narrative section proving they have understood what is expected from them.

Also, they need to inform on how they intend to organise the service provision:

– Give details about services provision, quantity, and quality of resources they will use, etc.
– Explain payment terms modalities and process (payment condition shall not contain an advance fee of more than 50% of the bid and shall retain at least 20% of the payment until after completion of the work).

Animal Health standards Applicants need to explain how they will ensure that the delivered animals are in good health condition and how they can prove that every animal meets the required specification.

For example, how prove that 1/3 of goats are pregnant; how prove that 1/3 are lactating; how prove that 1/3 are less than 8 months old; how prove that the animals are initially in good health, that they do not have previous diseases, etc.
Post-delivery Warranties Applicants should propose a mechanism to solve any situation of inadmissibility that can be discovered at least, up to 10 days after the date of delivery.

For example, if the animals do not survive in the days following the delivery (because they were initially sick, or because they were malnourished), applicants should accept to subtract the Price of a goat from the overall contract value.
Executive calendar Propose a detailed executive calendar for the provision of goats per quantity and per location, explaining how long it will take to prepare any step of the service delivery.

The calendar should be made for the implementation period in between the 7th of May and the 2nd of June.
Description of delivery logistics Applicants need to describe how they will be able to deliver the required number of animals, specifying the means of transportation and the exact use of assets.

It is also fundamental to explain from where the animals are taken before reaching their destination.

For example, detailing how many trucks will be used, what their size is, how many goats fit in one truck, who will be driving, length (in hours estimate) of transportation in Km, etc.

B. Financial Proposal [a template is available for tenderers]

Financial Proposal
Bill of Quantities with proposed price costs Detail of proposed expenses with clear breakdown of unit and total costs as per the provided SRCS.

These include prices of goat procurement and prices for the service delivery.
Identification details of the applicant
Company profile with physical address, and bank details with his/her bank currency (in English);

Validity of the offer The financial proposal should clearly mention the duration of the proposal validity, being of minimum 1 month.

4. Evaluation

An independent Evaluation Committee to assess the quality of all received proposals will be established and in charge of selecting the best offer.
The Evaluation Committee shall select the best-overall, best-value proposal that is determined to be most beneficial to the project.
The election Committee may ask any bidder for clarification of their bid during the evaluation process.
Any bids will be evaluated on bid compliance (adherence to the conditions to apply and any possible conflict of interest), as well as technical & Financial criteria.
A. Bid compliance
– All administrative supporting documents are in order
– Not any form of conflict of interest
– Any documents have been properly signed by an authorized representative of the bidder;
– The bids are otherwise generally in order.

B. Technical & Financial criteria
First, the evaluation committee will study all the technical proposals. Only those that reach a score of 50% in the technical evaluation will be considered.
Then, applicants who pass the technical evaluation filter will later be evaluated on the financial proposal.
Once both technical and financial scores have been given, a total score will be given to every proposal, pondering the value of the technical evaluation to 80% of the final score, and pondering the value of the financial evaluation to 20% of the final score.
The evaluation committee will analyse every proposal based upon the following score distribution:
Technical 100%
Relevance of previous experiences 20%
Concept note 15%
Animal Health 15%
Post-delivery Warranties 20%
Executive calendar 30%
Delivery logistics 20%

Financial 100%
Detail of costs:
As more details in relation to the total costs, the better.
Detailing the costs can show that the applicants are basing their proposal upon real costs that they have verified beforehand 30%
Cost for value:
The evaluation committee analyses if the prices are considered good value. Considering the necessary quality of the products. 50%
Clarity 20%

Total Score of the application 100%
Technical proposal 80%
Financial Proposal 20%

5. Retrieval of tender documents

Tender documents and technical details can be collected from:
– The Sudanese Red Crescent (SRCS) Headquarters
Address: Mak Nimir / Gamhoria Street- Khartoum.
Khartoum, SUDAN
– The Sudanese Red crescent (SRCS) Branch of Northern State in Dongola
– The Sudanese Red crescent (SRCS) Branch of River Nile in Atbara
– The Sudanese Red crescent (SRCS) Field office in Shendi (River Nile)
6. Delivery / submissions of proposals

Delivery of proposals entails a hard-copy delivery and/or an electronic copy.
Hard copies should be delivered to the following:
– The Sudanese Red Crescent (SRCS) Headquarters
To the attention of Ned al Mahmoud & Jorge Munoz
Address: Mak Nimir / Gamhoria Street- Khartoum.
Khartoum, SUDAN

– [Or to any other SRCS office mentioned in the title above] Electronic copies should be sent by email to all these email addresses:
– Boshi.mahmoud@srcs.sd ;
– nidal.mahmoud@srcs.sd ;
– Jorge.munoz@cruzroja.es
A. Submission formalities:

Bids closing date: 02 May 2022 at 13.00 pm
A delivery that reaches the address after this date will be automatically disregarded.
Packaging of the hard copy proposal: Tender shall be submitted in SEALED envelope with the Tender Reference clearly written on the packaging:

“Tender proposal: Goat procurement for CCA Project”;

The sealed envelope should include two other separated SEALED envelopes with the titles:

– “Technical offer”
– “Financial offer”
Email delivery of the proposal: When submitted electronically, the proposal should be sent to both email addresses detailed above.

– Subject of the email should be:
“Tender proposal: Goat procurement for CCA Project”;

– Format of the attached documents: the format of the documents should be in any recent format usually supported by windows (latest or recent versions of MS Office software).
B. Other details

Or handed to the Sudanese Red Crescent Office and after signing the Tender offers deposit document.
No alteration on figures and /or use of correcting fluid is required. Any BOQ carrying such alterations, any envelop unsealed, any uncomplete tender submission, will be rejected from the rest of the competitive process.
Sudanese Red Crescent Society – Spanish Red Cross reserve the right to accept or reject any uncomplete tender.

7. Notification of award

After completion of the evaluation of the bids, the Selection Committee will notify the successful bidder for completion of the contract. Unsuccessful bidders will be notified after the contract has been signed between SRCS and the successful bidder.

The evaluation committee can decide to either concede the service provision to one bidder proposing the animal delivery for the 2 location or to two different bidders submitting a proposal for the 2 delivery locations.
Further details for delivery specifications and receivability of animals will be discussed during the negotiation period with successful bidders.

II. Technical Specifications

1. Background
Sudanese Red Crescent Society, with the support of Netherlands Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross, Danish Red Cross and Swedish Red Cross, is implementing a project on increasing resilience to climate change in Kassala State, River Nile and Northern State. This includes the strengthening and encouragement for establishing Income Generating Activities to enable the communities to overcome the economic difficulties affected by climate change and perishing of natural resources.
2. Objective
The activity of Goat procurement and distribution helps community to add value to their products and increase income as well as to indirectly sustain their revenues. Provision small ruminants to targeted women in vulnerable situation is expected to have a positive impact to diversify food and income sources.
3. Quantities, specifications, & Delivery:

A. Quantities

 El Golid locality in Northern State (8 Communities)
– 15 women targeted per community.
– 3 goats to be distributed to each beneficiary (1 pregnant; 1 lactating; 1 new-born/Young goat).
– 360 goats in total to be delivered in Northern State
 120 pregnant;
 120 lactating;
 120 female goats under 8 months
 Shendi locality in River Nile State (10 communities):
– 10 women targeted per community.
– 3 goats to be distributed to each beneficiary (1 pregnant; 1 lactating; 1 new-born/Young goat).
– 300 goats in total to be delivered in River Nile
 120 pregnant;
 120 lactating;
 120 female goats under 8 months
B. Goat Specifications:

 1/3 goats from the total required number should be pregnant at the moment of delivery.
 1/3 goats from the total required number should be lactating at the moment of delivery.
 1/3 goats from the total required number should be less than 8 months old.
 All goats should be females, and they must have all the required health certificates.
 All goats should be Nubian pure breed and adapted to climate conditions of delivery locations.

C. Delivery Specifications:
 Transfer of 360 goats to El Golid village or Dongola (to be defined), out of which 120 pregnant, 120 lactating, 120 female goats less than 8 months old.
 Transfer of 300 goats to Shendi village in River Nile, out of which 100 pregnant, 100 lactating, 100 female goats less than 8 months old.

Bill of Quantities
Goat procurement and delivery

Goat delivery to [Choose one option]:
Northern State & River Nile / Northern State / River Nile
# Item Details Unit quantity Estimated price of unit (SDG) total price (SDG)
1 Goats
pregnant 1 … …
lactating 1 … …
baby female 1 … …
2.A Delivery to Shendi … … … … …
2.B Delivery to Al Golid … … … … …
Subtotal …
VAT (If Applicable) …% …
Grand Total …

Validity of the offer [minimum one (1) month:

Applicant name & Address:


Stamped & Signed by bidder to testify commitment:

Payment conditions
The payment condition shall not contain an advance fee of more than 40% of the bid and shall retain at least 40% of the payment until after completion of the work, as accepted by SRCS, the community, and the Range and Pasture Department.

III. Annexes

Annex 1 : Causes of Exclusion

Candidates or tenderers falling under any of the following clauses shall be excluded from participation in this tender:
a) they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;
b) they have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata;
c) they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify;
d) they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;
e) they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities’ financial interests;
f) following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, they have been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with their contractual obligations.
Candidates or tenderers must certify through the presentation of a Declaration of Responsibility, without prejudice to the successful bidder’s obligation to present the required certificates.

Annex 2: Declaration of Responsibility

ID number:
ID type:
I responsibly declare that:

I.- Has not incurred in any of the following exclusion events:
being involved in a bankruptcy or winding up procedure, having its affairs administered by the courts, having entered into an arrangement with creditors, having suspended business activities, is the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;
being convicted of an offence concerning its professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata;
being guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify;
not having fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed;
having been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the Communities’ financial interests;
following another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the Community budget, having been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with its contractual obligations.
II.- Adheres to the principles set forth in the United Nations Global Compact described below.
PRINCIPLE 1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
PRINCIPLE 2. Business should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
PRINCIPLE 3. Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
PRINCIPLE 4. Business should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
PRINCIPLE 5. Business should uphold the effective elimination of child labour.
PRINCIPLE 6. Business should uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
PRINCIPLE 7. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenge
PRINCIPLE 8. Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
PRINCIPLE 9. Business should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
PRINCIPLE 10. Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
III.- Shall guarantee the right of access to the Spanish Red Cross to the donors of this contract and its review bodies to their facilities and documents relating to this purchase procedure.
IV. The company commits to inform and require to its staff and/or collaborators its strong commitment to comply with all anti-corruption legislation and to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing

Annex B – Financial Offer
“Delivery of goats to selected communities of Northern State and/or River Nile State”
OptionThe present financial offer allows applicants to either consider delivery of animals to both Northern State & River Nile [Option 1] , or to constraint their offer to the delivery of goats for one of the two locations [Option 2 or Option 3].
Applicants should only fill one of the three options.
Cases marked in Yellow are to be filled by the applicant in relation to the prices and facilities they offer
Cases marked in Green are not to be modified, as they will automatically update and show the value once cases in Yellow are filled
Option 1
This financial offer is to be filled for candidates that wish to apply for the procurement process for goats to be delivered both to River Nile and Northern State#ItemDetailsUnitquantityEstimated price of unit (SDG)total price (SDG)
1Goats6600Name of the applicant:
baby female12200Signature:
2.ADelivery to Shendi0Banking details
2.BDelivery to Al Golid0By signing the offer, the applicant commits to deliver the expected service or supply during the timelapse foreseen in the procurement supporting documents whenever a contractual agreement is signed by the two parties
Subtotal0Validity of the offer:
VAT (If Applicable) in %0
Grand Total0
Option 2
This financial offer is to be filled for candidates that wish to apply for the procurement process for goats to be delivered only to River Nile (Shendi)#ItemDetailsUnitquantityEstimated price of unit (SDG)total price (SDG)
1Goats3000Name of the applicant:
baby female11000Signature:
2.ADelivery to Shendi0Banking details:
Subtotal0By signing the offer, the applicant commits to deliver the expected service or supply during the timelapse foreseen in the procurement supporting documents whenever a contractual agreement is signed by the two parties
VAT (If Applicable) in %0Validity of the offer:
Grand Total0
Option 3
This financial offer is to be filled for candidates that wish to apply for the procurement process for goats to be delivered only to Northern State (Al golid city or Dongola)#ItemDetailsUnitquantityEstimated price of unit (SDG)total price (SDG)
1Goats3600Name of the applicant:
baby female11200Signature:
2.BDelivery to Al Golid0Banking details:
Subtotal0By signing the offer, the applicant commits to deliver the expected service or supply during the timelapse foreseen in the procurement supporting documents whenever a contractual agreement is signed by the two parties
VAT (If Applicable) in %0Validity of the offer:
Grand Total0

Jamal Kinany

صحيفة العهد اونلاين الإلكترونية جامعة لكل السودانيين تجدون فيها الرأي والرأي الآخر عبر منصات الأخبار والاقتصاد والرياضة والثقافة والفنون وقضايا المجتمع السوداني المتنوع والمتعدد

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